"Quotes I Like"
As COVID cases raise as high as the mountains, I brought back a hobby that was lost deep in the ocean called Professional life. While surfing the blog of Stuti Ashok Gupta, a traveler, I came across a post which was about discovering your other self-interests when you avoid social media. The first thing was I downloaded Kindle and hunt down the notes where I had written down a to-read list. Started embracing Ruskin Bond's writings and that in-turn wake my writing skills. Presently, you are witnessing it! 💓 Currently reading: Rain in the Mountains: Notes from the Himalayas. Author: Ruskin Bond "On books and friends, I spend money; For stones and bricks, I haven't any." "Silence and non-action are the root of all things." "Well, we can't please everyone; and we can't preserve everything either. Time and the elements will take their toll." "It is always the same with mountains. once you have lived with them for any length of time, you ...